$357.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

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You will be emailed a licensing agreement/contract once you've enrolled.

Drama Club in a Box - 3 monthly payments of $357, then annual licensing each year for $500/year

Grab this plug and play program to expand your customer base through theatre arts "drama clubs" in your community!

What you'll get:

7 MODULE digital course + yearly renewable Licensing of our successful brand: CAST - Creative After School Theatre 

Full access to all modules that will take you from A to Z in launching your next successful revenue stream, plus the marketing assets you can use to differentiate your program from others! 

Pitch Your Drama Club Program and Get into Schools. 

Done-for-you templates and swipe files to start using immediately

Fill Your Drama Club Program with Students

Fill your classes to capacity with ny proven marketing strategies, tools, and templates

Teach with Done-For-You Drama Club Curriculum

12 week curriculum packed with warm ups, theatre terms, improv games and moreā€¦taking you seamlessly from auditions to performance day.

Organize Show Details

Costume, Prop and Makeup Ideas, playbill templates, checklists,strike assignment checklists, and Parent Communication Email Templates to help you get your show organized behind the scenes. No detail overlooked!

Make More $$ with Add-ons and Upsells

Venue considerations, playbill templates, strike assignment checklists, and fundraising ideas for adding more $$ to your bottomline.

Teaching Training Included - (coming Summer 2024)

Leave the training to me and have your instructor certified as an official drama club instructor - Saving YOU time and money!

Grow and Scale Your Drama Club Program

Follow my proven formula to perfect and grow to 6 figures and beyond!